1. Use some consant sounds to associate with the numbers. Then, add vowel sounds, as well as, the remaining consant sounds, to make easy to remember words & phrases.
Phonetic Code:
1 is d or t sound
2 is n sound
3 is m sound
4 is r sound
5 is l sound
6 is ch, sh or j sound
7 is k or g sound
8 is f or v sound
9 is b or p sound
0 is s or z sound
Example: First 20 digits in pi (π).
"My dear tulip, bone chill my life. Back Pie Man may've Rich." 3.14159265358979323846
Example: The speed of light.
"No, baby Kay! Pin our love ~ MS." 299792458 ~ meters/ second
Great for lists, too.
Example: use the phonetic code and memorize these fifteen items:
dresser, drawer, lamp, table, apple, dog, world, book, trees, mushrooms, blocks, cabinet, serpentine slippers, burgundy and grass.
0. SuZie not on the list, yet.
1. DoT's wedding band was on a dresser.
2. Noah's wedding band was in a drawer.
3. May's wedding band was on a lamp.
4. Ray's wedding ring was on a table.
5. Leiah's wedding ring was by an apple.
6. CHeriSH Jo's wedding band was on a dog.
7. Kay G's wedding band was for the world.
8. FaVre's wedding band was in a book.
9. BihPo's wedding band was up in trees.
10. DoT & SuZie tripped on mushrooms.
11. DoT & DoT tripped on blocks.
12. DoT & Noah tripped on a cabinet.
13. DoT & May tripped on serpentine slippers.
14. DoT & Ray tripped on burgundy.
15. DoT & Leiah tripped on grass.
2. Also, use images of what the numbers look like when memorizing numbers.
Image Code:
0. Dinner plate, pond, egg, head, open mouth ...
1. Stick, rod, bar, spike, nail, line, spear, candle, knife ...
2. Swan, serpent, worm, bended knee ...
3. Flying bird, top of a love heart or bakers hat ...
4. Sailboat, yacht, satellite dish, half a fish ...
5. Hook, wheel chair, a belly, skeleton key ...
6. Elephant raising its trunk, falling balloon ...
7. Walking stick , outline of a high heel, golf tee ...
8. Handcuffs, binoculars, shotgun barrel, infinity, mobius strip ...
9. Elephant lowering its trunk, rising balloon ...
1O. Dinnerware, person raising one hand ...
Example: memorization of # 1037 :
1037 dinnerware for birds with walking sticks.
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